Monthly Archives: April 2015

Again, let’s ditch Reagan National and put the National Zoo there

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designNow, we’re hearing about how some people still aren’t happy with renaming our national airport after the president who fired the air traffic controllers, even 17 years later.

The name is contentious, to say the least. It was contentious at the time, some might say intentionally so, less to honor the Gipper than to slap around a left-leaning city that certain right-leaning elected interlopers had little respect for. And, let’s be honest, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is too long to sound anything but silly, which might be why people opt for just Reagan or National or DCA. If you’ve ever used the DC Metro, you’ve heard the train drivers slur the unwieldy string of names into one long word. RonaRegaRoshiNasha.

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt has fewer syllables than the airport’s full title. It’s goofy. That’s no way to honor a former president.

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Category: Design

Archaic Definition of the Week – Fistmeile

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ADOTWfistmeile A measurement derived from making a fist with the thumb raised. The distance between the lower part of the little finger and the tip of the thumb

Glossary of medieval words at The Scriptorium : A Collection of All Things Medieval

Category: ADOTW