The Hunger of Time

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A science-fiction tale of time traveling adventurers struggling to bring a rogue group of travelers embedded in the Roman Empire back to justice.

In the early 21st century, researchers uncovered a form of time travel that spawns alternate realities called Sibling Timelines. People can travel to distinct points in time along these Sibling Timelines, they believe without affecting the Core Timeline, the “real” world where the timelines were discovered and spawned. Our reality.

At first, people were allowed to visit these Sibling Timelines to explore, to change events, to record historical facts. Adventurers who could afford the transfers went back to alternate realities to play out fantasies, fighting in historical wars, making themselves artists who brought modern works into the past, or influencing the politics of the past.

But then, researchers realized that the Sibling Timelines were drawing energy from the Core Timeline, causing crop failures, industrial incidents, mental disorders. A para-military task force was set up to retrieve adventurers and researchers, the Sibling Timeline Recovery Team (STaRT). After the rogue elements from the Core Timeline were retrieved, the affected Sibling Timelines would be attracted back toward the Core Timeline, restoring their energy. Historical anomalies are erased by the “strange attractor” dynamic of fractal causation. Normality could be restored.

But one Sibling Timeline stood above the others. A group of academics and former special forces veterans had gone back to the Roman Empire, remaking the ancient civilization with Industrial Age technology. The greatest deviation from the Core Timelines, causing the most damage. A team of STaRT academics and warriors, including the reluctant former SEAL Commander William Moore, are sent back into the rogue Sibling Timeline to put an end to the anomaly and bring the rogue elements back to the Core Timeline.

This is their story. Chapters will be published as they are completed.

CHAPTER ONE – An Amnesty Interrupted

CHAPTER TWO – Parasitism and Mutualism