Monthly Archives: March 2016


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Why Paper Fetishism is Dangerous

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mytwocentsPeople who want to destroy ideas burn paper books. But, ironically, the love of paper books can become so zealous that it’s just as bad as burning them.

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Category: My Two Cents

Odd Thought on Sailing Vessels

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Category: Uncategorized

Odd Thought on the Crusades

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Category: Odd Thoughts

Elevator Pitch – Trinity Heights

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PitchGet this! Three lifelong friends in their thirties decide to get pregnant from the same sperm donor.

What is it? A television comedy-drama. The three “lifelong female friends” (Chelle, Moira, and Tracy) are in their mid-30s and pretty much giving up on getting married. But, they still want children. So, why not, right? It’s 201_! They can raise kids on their own, or with each other’s help, and can use a sperm bank to find fathers.

Then, they have another idea: they all three choose the same donor! After all, the three of them had already worked out all the kinks in their own personality differences, and by narrowing down the genetic influence on their kids’ personalities, it would make it easier to raise their common family. They’d seal their friendship, and the kids would all be half-siblings … a win-win!

Or is it?

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Category: Elevator Pitch