Category Archives: Overheard

Language, Dialect, and Reactance

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ReadingBoyI have an accent. You have an accent. We all have accents. Nobody “doesn’t have an accent,” although you often hear people claim they don’t because they speak a particularly privileged accent.

For some reason, I hear this asserted most often by people from America’s Pacific Northwest. Not sure what they’re teaching kids in school up in Ecotopia, but Oregonians and Washingtonians should know that they also speak a dialect and have an accent, just like all us Muggles.

True, in most languages there is often an accent or family of accents accepted as a “standard” for communication, but these are still accents. It’s a silly prejudice to think of one dialect as “just talking” and all the rest as accents, as silly as the prejudice that led many ancient cultures to name themselves The (Real/Genuine) People while everyone else were “the tribes.”

Just as silly as the prejudice that leads many today to honor a socially privileged style of literature as “literary” while all other styles are mere “genres.”

This sort of social signifier carries a lot of emotional weight. People are very touchy and defensive about their speaking styles, their writing styles, their cultural styles. Here’s a personal anecdote that shows how this can really make life unnecessarily difficult for everyone:

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Category: My Two Cents, Overheard

Overheard Weirdness on a Metro Train

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I’ve had to add a third option to my “Overheard Wit & Wisdom” series, because a bit of dialogue I heard the other day fits in neither of those categories, but still deserves passing on.

Participants: A young Latin guy in business casual sitting in the “reserved for seniors and handicapped” seats, and an old white guy wearing a tattered blue-jean jacket, just stepping onto the DC Metro Red Line.

Young guy [standing up]: “Sir, would you like this seat?”

Old dude [staring at the opposite wall]: “I’ll sit down when I’m dead.”

Young guy shrugs and sits back down.

Category: Overheard

Overheard Wisdom on First-Class Treatment

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Sometimes, overheard snippets of conversation create miniature stories of their own, revealing character and family dynamics as clearly as a novel, and much more succinctly. 

Take, for example, this conversation overheard on an airplane:

Kid– When are we going to get something to drink?

Man– They have to serve those people [first class] right now.

Kid– Why?

Man– Because they’re special.

Woman– They are not special. They just paid more.

Overheard Wit on Public Transportation

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SCENE: Washington, DC. The Green Line Metro train has been waiting five to ten minutes at each station during the crowded morning commute.

Metro announcer: “Passengers, please be advised that there is a sick passenger on board a train ahead of us at the U Street station.”

Metro passenger on my train: “Yeah? You should be advised that there’s a hundred passengers sick of being on board this train at this station!”

Category: Overheard