Category Archives: Design

A Jazzy Proposal : Villenoire

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designThe Age of Jazz, nearly a century past now, is taking on a mystique not unlike the Feudal Age, the Age of Pirates, and the Old West.  Like those myth-infused periods of the human past, it has taken on legend and glamor beyond mere historical fact.

And, just as we have Renaissance Faires, Pirate Festivals, and Old West dude ranches, it’s about time we had some themed events and sites celebrating the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.  As an exercise in creating a Jazz Age-themed urban park, I chose a particularly self-contained block in Washington just north of historic U Street, famous in the history of jazz music and early 20th Century American culture, and re-imagined it as a sort of historical shopping mall and cultural center called “Villenoire.” Continue reading

Optimizing the DC Metro

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design Being somewhat unimpressed with WMATA’s half-hearted “Rush+” program to improve Metro service, I dusted off my old idea for a Beltway Line.

My take is that much of the crowding downtown is due to Metro riders having no way to go around the downtown hub area.  For example if you live in Silver Spring and want to Metro to Bethesda, just a stone’s throw to the east, you have to go all the way through Chinatown first.  Several proposed updates to the Metro, including the Purple Line and the separated Blue Line, are intended to provide riders alternatives to this in-and-out approach.  Continue reading

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