Tag Archives: becky levine

Writer Links – Contradictory Advice, Micro-Themes, and Evil Memes

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I want to start this week’s writer link soup with two author success stories from the Shooting Stars blog: Sarah Wylie and Mary Lindsey.  Check them out; their story could be your story someday!

At the suggestion of her son, Becky Levine digs into the metaphorical Professor Umbridge, while Kelly Morgan of Distracted By The Internet gives us an intriguing peek into her writing process.

Heather Singh writes in her Composition Book about the Top Ten highlights from the Novel Writing Retreat at the Vermont College of Fine Arts, while John over at BookFox gives into the “evil meme” and presents his list of the Top Eight books that have influenced him.  I may give into this fad myself soon.

Les Edgerton advises writers to avoid “as” and “-ing” phrases, while Lydia at The Sharp Angle discusses how to use micro-themes to bring energy to your writing.

Juliette Wade at Talk To YoUniverse explains how to let your characters use their social skills, and Liesl at Writer Ropes and Hopes kicks off her Contradictions series (a very clever idea, by the way) by navigating between showing and telling.

And big THANKS to Jade Smith for including my “In Defense of Coffee Shop Writers” in her latest link wave!

Writer Links – Lots of Advice on Advice

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This week’s writer links begin with two approaches to critique groups: Becky Levine tells us what to expect from her critiques, while Brandi Guthrie at Cursings and Musings discusses what advice to take and what not to take.

Lydia Sharp at The Sharp Angle explains No. 11 of the 52 Qualities of the Prosperous Writer: Good Health.  Also, kudos to Lydia for pointing the way to this cool writing advice video on YouTube.

On Not Being Able To Write writer ellanbethia lays out her rejection-letter goals, and Juliette Wade at Talk to YoUniverse discusses choosing the right narrator.

Les Edgerton (to whom I introduced you in my analysis of Jeremy) takes a few deep dives into: Southern Stereotypes, Censorship and Why I Love Charles Bukowski, and his new-found talent as a Goldfish Whisperer.

Finally, Jade Smith serves up a creepy piece of flash fiction in “pawnshop visitor.” (I’m following her capitalization convention here.)

Enjoy!  And, Happy Give-Me-Liberty Day!

Writer Links – To Your (Literary) Health!

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As my own contribution to this week’s writer talk, I have recently discovered a new species of the writer’s block bug against which I have no adequate literary immune response: I dislike one of the characters in The Crow and the Kinnebeck so badly that I can’t write conversation with him in it.

The prescription?  I’m probably going to create a throw-away scene in which the guy is killed or otherwise gets what’s coming to him, and see if that makes it easier to listen to him talk. 

In the meantime, I am anxiously awaiting some inspirational texts I recently ordered from The Devil Amazon.com: The Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction and The Black Lizard Big Book of Pulps.  Good old Vitamin P!  Nothing like the classics to get your Write Blood Cells in fighting trim!

Now, on to the (other) writers’ links:

Jade Smith painfully digs out her first novel attempt (I know how that feels!) while ellanbethia at On Not Being Able To Write asks “Do You Encourage Other Writers?”

Juliette Wade discusses how to write about a culture from both an insider and outsider perspective., while Becky Levine dives into her Author Appreciation week.  So far: Heidi R. Kling, Laurie Halse Anderson, and Terry Pratchett.

Finally, Dana Cameron talks a bit about novels and short stories, comparing them to sprints and marathons.  But, the other way around.  (I just thought the short-term-then-long-term rhythm sounded better in both cases.)
