Publishing Links – Fight Writing, Octopus, and the Language of Lust

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Another week, another round-up.  Or roll.  Or soup.  Whatever you like to call it.

Sadly, many publishing pro blogs are suffering the same summar blahs that have afflicted the lit agent blogs.  (*Knock Knock* Mr. RinzlerMs. Kroszer?  Are you okay in there?)  But, I still have plenty of intriguing stuff for you to check out!

So, let’s get right to the publishing pro links:

Erin Brown at Author magazine gives us a cheat sheet for self-editing.

Jason Boog at GalleyCat shares some interesting links on library card art., including a very cool octopus.  I was particularly drawn to this because I have a bit of an intellectual obsession with octopuses/octopodes.  And yes, those are the two correct possibilities for the plural, one using the standard English (as endorsed by Fowler’s) and the other using the ancient Greek.  “Octopi” is a false Latinization.  Given the confusion, I would be willing to support a moose-like identical plural: one octopus, two octopus, forty octopus. 

At Murder by 4:
Marta Stephens describes how to write a fight scene, and
S. W. Vaughn explains how to be a wacky, eccentric writer.

Raelene Gorlinsky at Redlines & Deadlines gives us a peek into the language of lust, through the eyes of 35 avid readers of erotic romance.

♣ At BoingBoing, we learn that Panverse publisher Dario Ciriello wants to create a permanent market for novellasHere here!

Pimp My Novel guest writer, author J L Wilson, allows all of her heroines into the same discussion on the current crisis changes in publishing.

♣ At Magical Words, Misty Massey tells us what writers should be having for dinner, by genre.

Although I consider writer-borne marketing part of what’s leading publishing down the path of the pyramid scheme, I would be remiss not to give the PUBLISHING LINK OF THE WEEK award to Moonrat of Editorial Ass for her incredibly helpful piece on how to publicize one’s book.

I do like this observation:

I’ve seen companies and authors spend tons of money and sell zero books, and I’ve seen no-name midlist books that no one believed in or stood behind totally take off. So what’s the secret to book publicity? Magic.

Sadly, I gave up on magic when I shifted my creative energies from high to urban fantasy.  Anyone have a magic wand or an elf I could borrow?

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