Tag Archives: ancient musings

Publishing Roll – Rewrites, Talking Animals, and Theme Songs

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Remember when you first heard the phrase “Happy Hump Day”?  You were probably a teenager, as this is a work-world phrase and in the teenage years we start to be exposed more and more to the work-world realities from which children are relatively insulated.

And remember how disappointed your adolescent self was to learn that the “hump” only referred to the “hump in the middle of the week”?  Well, Happy Hump Day anyway.

On to the roll!

Alan Rinzler at The Book Deal offers tips to writers on how to make the most of a rewrite.

At the Magical Words fantasy fiction blog:
Stuart Jaffe explains how to develop characters in vng-the-most-out-of-a-rewrite-tips-for-authors/”>how to make the most of a rewrite.

At the Magical Words fantasy fiction blog:
Stuart Jaffe explains how to develop characters in very little space,
Misty Massey tackles talking animals (well… she tackles the subject of writing about them), and
David B. Coe posts part X of the “Writing Your Book” series: The Read-Through.

S. W. Vaughn at Murder By 4 asks, “What’s your novel’s theme song?”

Also, for anything interested in reading, watching, or writing “sword and sandals” fantasy or historical fiction, Meghan Sullivan has a great blog on Greek antiquity called Ancient Musings.  Check it out!