Tag Archives: book covers

Oh, The Publishing Links I've Seen

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OMG… have I been lax with the publishing updates!   (I wanted to italicize the first person pronoun in that sentence, because that’s how I heard it in my head, but the italicized I just doesn’t read right for some reason… any thoughts?)

Firstly, agent Janet Reid promotes author Brad Parks, to whom she is connected by acquaintance and Twitter followee Sophia Littlefield, who is an acquaintance of Dave White, a writer for a blog where Brad was a guest writer.  The point of this convoluted series of connections? “I’d never heard of Brad Parks before 10:30am today and now I both know who he is, and have bought his book.”

That’s how it works.  Or, at least, how it can work.  (And see how italics works so much better with more than one letter?)

Keeping with the theme of advice for authors, editor Alan Rinzler offers up 9 tips for successful author readings, but his best tip is probably this: well done author readings can boost a publishing career, which can then enable the author to charge readers to attend author readings.

As usual, Nathan Bransford’s recent publishing update is so chock full of goodies that I hesitate to attempt a summary, except to mention that he includes (in order to mitigate anxiety over e-books) a link to Amazon’s Best Book Covers of 2009.

And, I mention that because my next publishing find is this New York Times piece by Joe Queenan on how a book’s cover can affect one’s enjoyment of the book.  See?  There’s a free lesson on the power of selecting and arranging information to enable segues.  You’re welcome.

To finish off my list of publishing-related stuff, here are links to two other bloggers’ lists of publishing related stuff: Amy at Kimberley Cameron & Associates posted a short, but informative, glossary of publishing speak; and John Fox put up alist of various Top Books of 2009 lists … making this a triple whammy of lists!