Tag Archives: mars

Archaic Definition of the Week – Ancilia

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This week, we go about as archaic as we can go….

ancilia (Latin).  Twelve archaic bronze shields kept in the sanctuary of MARS in the Roman Forum.  Tradition remembered that one shield had fallen from the sky on 1 March and a divinely instructed blacksmith had made the further eleven. An aristocratic group, the Salii, used the shields in the yearly OCTOBER HORSE festival, which is probably one of the oldest in the Roman calendar.

Continuum Dictionary of Religion edited by Michael Pye.

The Ancient Oceans of Mars

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Since I expanded the blog from showcasing my fantasy novel, The Ligan of the Disomus, and have posted other stories including some science fiction, I guess I might as well start sharing some science background material in addition to the historical (and prehistorical) stuff I normally post.

One of my favorite works of science fiction is Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy.  So, when I read that a study of delta formations on Mars had turned up an ancient shoreline that not only corresponded with previously identified shoreline formations, but also would indicate that this ancient ocean covered one-third of the Martian surface, I knew I had to share it.

Read about it at USA Today, FOX News, or TG Daily.