Tuesday’s stories are full of grace

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Reading-CostaTuesday’s child, alleges the poem, is “full of grace.”

Tuesday’s readings on lit and entertainment certainly are!

Electric Lit is spreading the grace around, with Katya Ungerman‘s list of “The Best Graphic Novels I’ve Ever Read.”

Bill Morris at The Millions asks why we are “drawn to something in the character of people who are willing to break the law in order to perform a service they see as vital to mankind and the planet” and examines four works (novels and a film) about eco-terrorists.

But, maybe you’re looking for something a little more practical and prosaic. Well, if you need a way to check an EPUB file to make sure it will be accepted by different ebook stores, Dianna Dilworth at GalleyCat has a suggestion.

Finally, at Granta, Sophie Lewis interviews Israeli author and film-maker Etgar Karet, who reminds us that:

[U]sing the word ‘peace’ destroys the actual possibility of peace occurring. Instead we should stop using ‘peace’ and start using ‘compromise’ … in Israel the word ‘peace’ has a kind of Masonic aspect: you pray for peace. But if you use ‘compromise’ you cannot ignore that there is someone on the other side; you cannot ignore that you have to give up on something to achieve it. Peace could be a gift. It’s a word that doesn’t assume any responsibility. It’s not attached to you, nor to the other side. And ‘compromise’ is not utopian. In Israel many people say we’ll never have peace. Why? Because they’ll always hate us. But you can have a compromise with somebody who hates you. It’s OK! They don’t have to like you. You just have to agree that you’ll stop trying to kill each other and then you’re getting somewhere.

Style guide: Texts, performances, and periodicals (including websites) are italicized. Key persons are in bold.

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