Tag Archives: young adult literature

Lit Agent Links – Bookshelves, eBooks, and Lots of Query Advice

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Okay, so I haven’t dropped a chain of literary agent links since April.   Throw something heavy and hard at me. (I can take it.)

But, seriously, moving across town without hiring a moving company takes a lot out of a guy, especially when most of what you own consists of boxes and  boxes of books.  Kindle is looking real nice right about now.

So let’s get to those links!

Dystel & Goderich doesn’t disappoint!  Look at what the folks there have served up lately:

Jessica at BookEnds dives into the thorny issue of getting published after being self-published, and answers questions about resubmitting a reworked query letter, the purpose of query letter guidelines, and morality clauses in YA/MG contracts.  She also warns us that confidence in a query can backfire.

At her Pub Rants blog, Kristin compares different POVs, explains why enhanced ebooks will cause havoc, and tells writers why highlighting your age in a query is not a good idea.

Nathan Bransford reminds us that every writer gets rejected.

Rachelle Gardner at Rants & Ramblings reveals the secrets of a great pitch.


The Future of Children's Publishing

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Hey kids!  And by “kids” I mean all of you, because children’s and young adult publishing is being buoyed partly by adults who read books not intended for adults.

When Diary of a Wimpy Kid author Jeff Kinney says, “There are a lot of adults I encounter who exclusively read children’s literature,” I would have to concur.

Although certain examples of YA fiction might hinge a bit too much on stiflingly immature emotions and fantasies, preferring kids’ lit is not necessarily a sign of being unable to operate in the grown-up world.  As regular readers of this blog might know, I’m no fan of glittery pedophilic vampires with sappy purity pledge sentiments, but I do admire Milne and consider The Hobbit to be well worthy its more “mature” literary siblings.

And, the first Harry Potter fan I ever met was a national security professional working a mission in which all of the violent ugliness of the real world was unavoidable.  Grown-ups can enjoy children’s books and still be grown-ups.

All of which is mere preface to my publishing link of the weekend, from the Sunday Washington Post: The future of children’s book publishing.  Enjoy!