Writer Links – 86 Rejections, Bower Bird Seductions, and Awesome Lines

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I am revamping my j.nelsonleith.com website — where I used to host a political blog — as the official home of Leith Literary.  I will, of course, transfer all the content from here, and leave a sticky note.  Updates to come!

And now, on to the writer links!

Les Edgerton shares a few thoughts on rejections, including:

I had to laugh at your question, “Is it common to get two rejections?” Why? Because my first novel got 86 rejections… and that’s closer to “normal”

At My Dog Ate My Manuscript, N. Gemini Sasson offers a few tips on how to lay out your self-publishing book.

Bethany Wiggins at Shooting Stars discussing purging through writing.

At The Forest For The Trees, Betsy Lerner asks: should you or should you not read your competitors’ books?

Juliette Wade at Talk To YoUniverse warns us not to let that awesome line you just wrote sabotage the story structure; but, there are other solutions besides simply deleting it!

And the WRITER LINK OF THE WEEK award goes to Suzannah Windsor Freeman at Write It Sideways, for her insistence that writers need to be bower birds.  (Confession: I may have liked this one simply because I also collect blue things.)

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