Tag Archives: write it sideways

Suzannah Windsor Freeman on literary fiction

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You guys know that I am a grouch, in the sense that I am natural-born critic.  I can’t even simply listen to the radio without thinking to myself that Daughtry’s latest song would have much more emotional and metrical punch if the title line were “in the last days of September” rather than the vague and flaccid “in the middle of…”

So, when I say something is a great read — full stop, no caveats — you know I must have been impressed. 

Suzannah Windsor Freeman‘s recent post (at the Write It Sideways blog) on the difference between good and bad literary fiction is one of those great reads.  It pulls together information from multiple sources, and takes a stand with which some might disagree.  I happen not to disagree, and recommend it to any writer who strives for the literary.

Writer Links – 86 Rejections, Bower Bird Seductions, and Awesome Lines

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I am revamping my j.nelsonleith.com website — where I used to host a political blog — as the official home of Leith Literary.  I will, of course, transfer all the content from here, and leave a sticky note.  Updates to come!

And now, on to the writer links!

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Writer Links – Summer Reading, Female Heroes, and Fire Breathing

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First, I want to wish Brittany Landgrebe get well soon!

Well, it is finally summertime!  Do you have your summer reading list ready?  Yeah, me neither.  I have been considering re-reading The Lord of the Rings, and I do have a couple of non-fiction books from a used bookstore stacked up and awaiting my attention.  But, no solid plans.

But, how about this idea: instead of committing to a few buzz-worthy novels, we could instead focus on reading a lot of short stories in magazines.  Anyone up for this challenge?

And now, on to the links! Continue reading

Writer Links – Creating Worlds, Building Heroes, and Wrapping it all Up

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It’s that time again in my three-part cycle of link soup.

Just like how, at the cafeteria where you work, the middle of the week means taco bar, the beginning of the Leith Literary soup cycle means links to stuff other writers are writing about!  There’s no guac or salsa here, but there certainly is a lot of spicy goodness.

So, set your laptop somewhere it won’t overheat (the cooling vents are probably on the bottom!) and enjoy the following links offering advice and other neat stuff from writers. Continue reading