Writer Links – Creating Worlds, Building Heroes, and Wrapping it all Up

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It’s that time again in my three-part cycle of link soup.

Just like how, at the cafeteria where you work, the middle of the week means taco bar, the beginning of the Leith Literary soup cycle means links to stuff other writers are writing about!  There’s no guac or salsa here, but there certainly is a lot of spicy goodness.

So, set your laptop somewhere it won’t overheat (the cooling vents are probably on the bottom!) and enjoy the following links offering advice and other neat stuff from writers.

Becky Levine discusses the “could, should, would” of characterizing your hero, how to get critique readers to focus on content rather than grammar and format, and shares her Friday library finds.

Juliette Wade at Talk To YoUniverse serves up some great advice for those of us writing speculative fiction: should we think of it as world-building or world-growing?

Les Edgerton explains how to get from that inspirational scene to a full story, one that particularly speaks to my way of writing.  I greatly encourage all writers to take a read.

Annie at The Ink Phantom reminds us that, during revision, 3×5 cards are our friends.  (I was due to hear this advice!)

Suzannah at Write It Sideways delves into the dark side of a writing education,

Christine Kling shares her Million Word Rule at her inKlings blog.

Lydia Sharp at The Sharp Angle helps us tough it through the “Act Three Jitters” that rise when we near the finish line of writing a novel.

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